Words: Leslie Fish Music: (verse) "Rolling Down to Old Maui" (chorus) "Glory in My Soul" The full Earth stands at our left hands / and the pale moon on the right All fire and steel, / our Catherine wheel rolls through the endless night The sun may burn at full astern / And the power-cells drink deep; Both day and night stand in our sight / from waking unto sleep [Chorus] And, we spin long light from the glory of the sun Yes, we spin long light from the glory of the sun And the light gems glow / on the Earth below In the bright web spun by the glory of the sun The power's run from the brazen sun, / through the web of heaven's height To the opal world— like a clouded pearl— / strung on a thread of light And we pace our turn from bow to stern / through the elven summer field Where the power-cells— like flower bells— / drink all the sun can yield [Chorus] The well paced blips of the factory ships / slide past our orbit's brink Like a swarm of bees in the girder trees, / come to our flowers to drink And the Earth is clean as a spring time dream; / No factory smokes appear— For they've left the land to the gardener's hand, / and they all are circling here [Chorus]